Wednesday, July 22, 2009

En Ali

He is someone yang i barely know. Staff saya yang saya sangat jarang jumpa...selalu admitted to hospital due to so many diseases. He's already 54. My boss had asked me to process his request to pension early. That's when i started to know him a little bit. I've heard numerous rumours about his family but i considered all them rumours untill i see/ hear it from en. Ali himself. Dare not make any speculations base on the words of the others.
He's all alone in the hospital. Bis whole body dah macam belon yang di isi air. 1st question by the nurses when we arrived "which one is his wife?" ding!!!one bell ring.
Bila finally met him, dah berbasa basi, he told us about his wife and all his kid. Dia dah ada dekat hospital since monday, we visited him on wednesday, and his wife is yet to come. Anak anak pun datang kadang kadang. Bapak diorang cannot move and is loosing eyesight, nurse have to feed him, bath him, change his diapers...and my only question is what is happening to his family...
Whatever happen in the past biarla, let bygones be bygones. Even if he had done something bad in his early age, he is still your father. Agama tak pernah suruh kita buat macam ni.
And lagi satu yang mengharukan/ menghibakan, dia dah putus asa dengan hidup. Siap nak bunuh diri segala. Ini lagi satu, whatever happen pun jangan sesekali putus asa dengan rahmat Allah. Apa apa yang terjadi dengan kita adalah ujian, kata mak ujian tanda Allah sayangkan kita.
Tetiba terfikir, my old man is so damn lucky to have us as his kid... What will happen to him if we were behaving the same way as En. Ali's.........
In the end... life is short, and everything we did, we will be held responsible in the hereafter...tak der saper yang terlepas...moga moga famili dia berubah...time change, so does people.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

03 Julai 2009

saya sangat letih minggu ni. last week terus shoot blik kg dari pd, this week balik penang lagik.dan macam macam warna warni di opis. I need a break... a real put back my focus, to set my goal once again... and to let certain things go....i need a breakkkk...time ni sangat wish i berada di satu tempat yang sangat peace, aman, nothing but me and the blue sky, the blue sea...waaah sangat blues...i miss year 2007. time when i was able to leave everything to Him. time when i was certain that i have no control over anything... now that i am having a grip over something and started to lose the other thing...and here come the Super Omar...with his mision to save me...and to show me the correct path...I need strength to do this...huhu...and dear... i'm letting you go...if you were meant to be mine you'll come back...bak kata mak "bungkus... hantar naik atas..." ~